Browsing by Subject Renormalization group

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Jan-1998Adsorption of piecewise directed random walks on sierpinski fractalsElezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Vasiljević, N.
1-Apr-2008Critical behavior of interacting two-polymer system in a fractal solvent: An exact renormalization group approachŽivić, I.; Elezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Milošević, S.
1-Jun-1996Critical exponents of surface-interacting self-avoiding walks on a family of truncated n-simplex latticesElezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Knežević, Milan
1-Dec-2015Semiflexible crossing-avoiding trails on plane-filling fractalsŽivić, I.; Elezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Milošević, S.
1-Nov-2014Statistical mechanics of polymer chains grafted to adsorbing boundaries of fractal lattices embedded in three-dimensional spaceŽivić, I.; Elezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Milošević, S.