Kuraica, Milorad
Full Name
Kuraica, Milorad
Kuraica, M. M.
Kuraica, M
Kuraica, Milorad M.
Kuraica, M
Kuraica, Milorad M.
Scopus Author ID

Date issued
Results 76-81 of 81 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
76 | 24-Mar-1997 | Electric field measurement in the cathode fall region of a glow discharge in helium | Kuraica, Milorad ; Konjević, N. | |
77 | 1-Jan-1997 | Emission spectroscopy of the cathode fall region of an analytical glow discharge | Konjević, N.; Videnović, I.R. ; Kuraica, Milorad | |
78 | 1-Jan-1996 | Spectroscopic investigations of a cathode fall region of the Grimm-type glow discharge | Videnović, I.R. ; Konjevic, N.; Kuraica, Milorad | |
79 | 1-Nov-1994 | On the atomic hydrogen line shapes in a plane-cathode obstructed glow discharge | Kuraica, Milorad ; KonjeviĆ, N. | |
80 | 1-Jan-1992 | Plasma diagnostics of the Grimm-type glow discharge | Kuraica, Milorad ; Konjević, N.; Platiša, M.; Pantelić, D. | |
81 | 1-Jan-1992 | Line shapes of atomic hydrogen in a plane-cathode abnormal glow discharge | Kuraica, Milorad ; Konjević, N. |