Full Name
Obradović, Bratislav
Obradović, B. M.
Obradović, B
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Results 26-50 of 58 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
261-Feb-2013Deposition of gold nanoparticles on polypropylene nonwoven pretreated by dielectric barrier discharge and diffuse coplanar surface barrier dischargeRadić, Nina; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kostić, Mirjana; Dojčinović, Biljana; Hudcová, Markéta; Kuraica, Milorad ; Černák, Mirko
271-Feb-2013Silver incorporation on viscose and cotton fibers after air, nitrogen and oxygen DBD plasma pretreatmentPrysiazhnyi, V.; Kramar, A.; Dojcinovic, B.; Žekić, Andrijana ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Kostic, M.
2815-Nov-2013Antimicrobial viscose fabric prepared by treatment in DBD and subsequent deposition of silver and copper ions-Investigation of plasma aging effectKramar, A.; Prysiazhnyi, V.; Dojčinović, B.; Mihajlovski, K.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Kostić, M.
291-Jan-2014Study of interaction between nitrogen DBD plasma-treated viscose fibers and divalent ions Ca<sup>2+</sup> and Cu<sup>2+</sup>Kramar, Ana D.; Žekić, Andrijana ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Kostić, Mirjana M.
301-Feb-2014Study of the dynamics of a barrier hollow-cathode discharge using a broadened Hα lineObradović, Bratislav ; Ivković, Saša ; Cvetanović, N.; Kuraica, M. M. 
311-Feb-2014Plasma-Based Pollutant Degradation in Gas Streams: Status, Examples and OutlookBrandenburg, R.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Schmidt, M.; Basner, R.; Kettlitz, M.; Sretenović, Goran ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Weltmann, K. D.
325-Feb-2014On the use of the intensity ratio of He lines for electric field measurements in atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier dischargeIvković, Saša ; Sretenović, Goran ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Cvetanović, Nikola; Kuraica, Milorad 
3312-Mar-2014Spatio-temporally resolved electric field measurements in helium plasma jetSretenović, Goran B. ; Krstić, Ivan B.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
3414-May-2014Correlation between measured voltage and observed wavelength in commercial AlGaInP laser diodeIskrenović, Predrag; Krstić, Ivan B.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
3515-Jul-2014Effect of different catalysts on mesotrione degradation in water falling film DBD reactorJović, Milica S.; Dojčinović, Biljana P.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Gašić, Uroš M.; Roglić, Goran M.
363-Sep-2014The isolated head model of the plasma bullet/streamer propagation: Electric field-velocity relationSretenović, Goran B. ; Krstić, Ivan B.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
3729-May-2015Electric field measurement in gas discharges using stark shifts of He i lines and their forbidden counterpartsCvetanović, N.; Martinović, M. M.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
381-Oct-2015Preparation of Hydrophobic Viscose Fabric Using Nitrogen DBD and Copper Ions SorptionKramar, Ana D.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Vesel, Alenka; Kuraica, Milorad ; Kostic, Mirjana M.
395-Nov-2015Degradation and detoxification of the 4-chlorophenol by non-thermal plasma-influence of homogeneous catalystsMarković, Marijana D.; Dojčinović, Biljana P.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Nešić, Jelena; Natić, Maja M.; Tosti, Tomislav B.; Kuraica, Milorad ; Manojlović, Dragan D.
401-Jan-2016Application of non-thermal plasma reactor for degradation and detoxification of high concentrations of dye Reactive Black 5 in waterDojčinović, Biljana P.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Pergal, Marija V.; Dolić, Slobodan D.; Indić, Dejan R.; Tosti, Tomislav B.; Manojlović, Dragan D.
411-Jan-2016Inhomogeneity in laboratory plasma discharges and Stark shift measurementObradović, Bratislav ; Ivković, M.; Ivković, Saša ; Cvetanović, N.; Sretenović, Goran ; Kovačević, Vesna ; Krstić, I. B.; Kuraica, Milorad 
4218-Nov-2016Electric field measurements in a kHz-driven He jet - The influence of the gas flow speedSobota, A.; Guaitella, O.; Sretenović, Goran ; Krstić, I. B.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Obrusník, A.; Nguyen, Y. N.; Zajíčková, L.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
4315-Feb-2017Optogalvanic effect and laser-induced current oscillations in hollow-cathode lampsEldakli, Mohsan S.A.; Ivković, Saša ; Obradović, Bratislav 
441-Mar-2017Methods for spectroscopic measurement of electric field in atmospheric pressure helium discharges ∗Obradović, Bratislav ; Cvetanović, Nikola; Ivković, Saša ; Sretenović, Goran ; Kovačević, Vesna ; Krstić, I. B.; Kuraica, Milorad 
4513-Mar-2017Measurement of reactive species generated by dielectric barrier discharge in direct contact with water in different atmospheresKovačević, Vesna ; Dojčinović, Biljana P.; Jović, Milica; Roglić, Goran M.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
4628-Mar-2017Electric field measurement in the dielectric tube of helium atmospheric pressure plasma jetSretenović, Goran B. ; Guaitella, Olivier; Sobota, Ana; Krstić, Ivan B.; Kovačević, Vesna ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
471-Dec-2017Simultaneous influence of Stark effect and excessive line broadening on the H<inf>α</inf> lineCvetanović, Nikola; Ivković, Saša ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad 
481-Mar-2018Electrical Resistivity of Plasma Treated Viscose and Cotton Fabrics with Incorporated Metal IonsKramar, Ana D.; Asanović, Koviljka A.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Kuraica, Milorad ; Kostić, Mirjana M.
495-Apr-2018Degradation of nicotine in water solutions using a water falling film DBD plasma reactor: Direct and indirect treatmentKrupež, Jelena; Kovačević, Vesna ; Jović, Milica; Roglić, Goran M.; Natić, Maja M.; Kuraica, Milorad ; Obradović, Bratislav ; Dojčinović, Biljana P.
501-Jun-2018Comparison of liquid and liquid-gas phase plasma reactors for discoloration of azo dyes: Analysis of degradation productsKozakova, Zdenka; Klimova, Edita J.; Obradović, Bratislav ; Dojcinovic, Biljana P.; Krcma, Frantisek; Kuraica, Milorad ; Olejnickova, Zuzana; Sykora, Richard; Vavrova, Milada