Full Name
Redžić, Dragan
Redžić, D. V.
Redžić, D.
Redžić, Dragan V.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 1-25 of 29 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Jan-2001The operator ∇ in orthogonal curvilinear coordinatesRedžić, Dragan 
21-Jan-2002Electromagnetism of rotating conductors revisitedRedžić, Dragan 
31-Jan-2004Conductors moving in magnetic fields: Approach to equilibriumRedžić, Dragan 
41-Jan-2004Electrostatic charges in v × B fields: With or without special relativity?Redžić, Dragan 
51-Jan-2004Image of a moving sphere and the FitzGerald-Lorentz contractionRedžić, Dragan 
61-Nov-2005Momentum conservation and Einstein's 1905 GedankenexperimentRedžić, Dragan 
71-Jan-2006Does Δm ≤ Δe <inf>rest</inf> /c <sup>2</sup> ?Redžić, Dragan 
81-Jul-2006Image current inclusion in the permeable sphereRedžić, Dragan ; Redić, S. S.
97-Oct-2006An extension of the magnetostatic image theory for a permeable sphereRedžić, Dragan 
101-Mar-2007Faraday's law via the magnetic vector potentialRedžić, Dragan 
111-Mar-2008Towards disentangling the meaning of relativistic length contractionRedžić, Dragan 
121-Mar-2008Various paths to Faraday's lawRedžić, Dragan 
131-May-2008Note on Dewan-Beran-Bell's spaceship problemRedžić, Dragan 
141-Jan-2010Electromagnetostatic charges and fields in a rotating conducting sphereRedžić, Dragan 
151-Jan-2011An extension of the Kelvin image theory to the conducting Heaviside ellipsoidRedžić, Dragan ; Eldakli, M. S.A.; Redžić, M. D.
161-Jun-2011Derivations of relativistic force transformation equationsRedžić, Dragan ; Davidović, D. M.; Redžić, M. D.
171-May-2012Charges and fields in a current-carrying wireRedžić, Dragan 
181-Jul-2012The calculation of the electrostatic potential of infinite charge distributionsRedžić, Dragan 
191-Nov-2012Image charge inclusion in the dielectric sphere revisitedRedžić, Dragan ; Eldakli, M. S.A.; Redžić, M. D.
201-May-2013Time-dependent fields of a current-carrying wireRedžić, Dragan ; Hnizdo, V.
211-Nov-2013The case of the Doppler effect for photons revisitedRedžić, Dragan 
221-Jan-2014Relativistic length agony continuedRedžić, Dragan 
231-Jul-2014Force exerted by a moving electric current on a stationary or co-moving charge: Maxwell's theory versus relativistic electrodynamicsRedžić, Dragan 
241-Jan-2015Direct calculation of length contraction and clock retardationRedžić, Dragan 
251-Nov-2015Subtleties of the clock retardationRedžić, Dragan