Researcher Profile Statistics: Dimitrijević-Ćirić, Marija

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 963
EU - Europe 370
AS - Asia, other 334
OC - Oceania 31
AF - Africa 5
SA - South America 1
Unknown 50
Total 1754
Country #
US - United States of America 949
RS - Serbia 167
SG - Singapore 161
DE - Germany 105
CN - China 88
HK - Hong Kong 78
CH - Switzerland 43
AU - Australia 31
CA - Canada 14
RU - Russian Federation 12
other - Other Country 106
Total 1754
City #
Belgrade 153
Singapore 112
Hanover 52
Boardman 45
Chandler 30
Zhengzhou 26
Los Angeles 19
Prineville 18
Santa Clara 18
Cheektowaga 16
other 1265
Total 1754
Most viewed items #
ID: 269 - A gravity theory on noncommutative spaces 200
ID: 250 - Noncommutative geometry and gravity 144
ID: 11 - Pairing instabilities of Dirac composite fermions 70
ID: 265 - Erratum: Generalized Bloch theorem and topological characterization (Phys. Rev. B (2015) 91 (125424)) 56
ID: 249 - Generalized Bloch theorem and topological characterization 43
ID: 9 - The noncommutative SO(2, 3)∗ gravity model 42
ID: 5 - Homotopy lie algebras of gravity and their braided deformations 41
ID: 8 - Nonassociative differential geometry and gravity 38
ID: 65 - Noncommutative electrodynamics from SO(2 , 3) model of noncommutative gravity 37
ID: 7 - Microscopic derivation of Dirac composite fermion theory: Aspects of noncommutativity and pairing instabilities 37
ID: 900 - L-algebras of Einstein-Cartan-Palatini gravity 37
ID: 251 - Effective description of Chern insulators 36
ID: 6 - Noncommutative field theory from an angular twist 36
ID: 10 - Noncommutative gravity via SO(2;3) noncommutative Gauge theory 33
ID: 236 - AdS-inspired noncommutative gravity on the Moyal plane 32
ID: 246 - Noncommutative so (2,3) gauge theory and noncommutative gravity 32
ID: 68 - SO(2,3) Noncommutative Gravity: Coupling with Matter Fields 32
ID: 894 - Braided L -algebras, braided field theory and noncommutative gravity 32
ID: 254 - Gauge theory on twisted κ-Minkowski: Old problems and possible solutions 31
ID: 267 - Noncommutative gravity and the relevance of the θ-constant deformation 31
ID: 256 - Deformed symmetries in noncommutative field theories 29
ID: 263 - SO(2, 3) noncommutative gravity model 29
ID: 245 - Noncommutative gravity and the Seiberg-Witten map 28
ID: 268 - Deformed gauge theories 28
ID: 232 - Noncommutative so (2, 3)∗ gravity: Noncommutativity as a source of curvature and torsion 27
ID: 64 - Yang-Mills theory in the S O (2, 3) model of noncommutative gravity 27
ID: 248 - Gauge theory on kappa-Minkowski revisited: The twist approach 26
ID: 257 - Field theory on Kappa-spacetime 26
ID: 260 - Deformed gauge theory: Twist versus Seiberg-Witten approach 25
ID: 264 - Noncommutative gravity at second order via Seiberg-Witten map 25
ID: 235 - Field theory on nonanticommutative superspace 24
ID: 407 - Noncommutative scalar field in the nonextremal Reissner-Nordström background: Quasinormal mode spectrum 24
ID: 240 - Noncommutative scalar quasinormal modes of the Reissner-Nordström black hole 23
ID: 233 - Nonassociative differential geometry and gravity with non-geometric fluxes 22
ID: 234 - (Non)renormalizability of the D-deformed Wess-Zumino model 22
ID: 247 - Dynamical noncommutativity and noether theorem in twisted φ*4 theory 22
ID: 238 - Non(anti)commutative Field Theories: Model Building and renormalizability properties 21
ID: 242 - Noncommutative field theory from angular twist 21
ID: 255 - Twisted gauge theories 21
ID: 241 - Landau levels from noncommutative U (1) ∗ gauge theory in κ -Minkowski space-time 19
ID: 259 - U(1) gauge field theory on κ-Minkowski space 19
ID: 207 - Quantization of gauge theory on a curved noncommutative space 18
ID: 243 - Field theory on nonanticommutative superspace 18
ID: 261 - Gauge theories on the κ -Minkowski spacetime 18
ID: 262 - Another example of noncommutative spaces: κ-deformed space 18
ID: 266 - Deformed field theory on κ-spacetime 18
ID: 270 - U(1) gauge field theory on κ-Minkowski space 18
ID: 237 - Twisted supersymmetry: Twisted symmetry versus renormalizability 17
ID: 239 - D-deformed Wess-Zumino model and its renormalizability properties 17
ID: 244 - Renormalizability of the D-deformed Wess-Zumino model 17
ID: 253 - Derivatives, forms and vector fields on the κ-deformed Euclidean space 17
ID: 204 - Quantum corrections for a Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole via the 2D reduced model 15
ID: 258 - A twisted look on kappa-Minkowski: U(1) gauge theory 15
Total 1754
Most type viewed #
ID: all - 0
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 1380
ID: conference - 318
ID: patent - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: dataset - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 1698

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 00041 580438 110 161
2023 5104 10564477 1662338 1447 476
2024 1642 6146148203 14686898 2612 1117
Ever 1754