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Title: Analysis of the Saharan dust regional transport
Authors: Vukmirović, Z.
Unkašević, Miroslava
Lazić, L.
Tošić, Ivana
Rajǐć, S.
Tasić, M.
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2004
Journal: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
The Balkan Peninsula is situated in the impact zone of Saharan dust storms. The case of Saharan dust transport to Belgrade in the period of 14-17 April 1994 is analyzed using the Eta model for synoptic and meso scale processes. Air back trajectories are calculated at six model levels from 434 up to 5129 m with horizontal grid resolutions of 1° × 1° and 10′ × 10′. Following cyclonic circulation the dust was picked up from North Africa, and transported over Mediterranean. Simultaneously, according to the analysis of the three lowest trajectories, transport of trace metals from Macedonia and southern Serbia by the Koshava wind might be dominant in the observed episode. Turbulent flow enhanced the coagulation process of initially clean dust particles with particles containing Pb and Cd. The coagulation and scavenging processes below and in clouds increased deposition rates of Pb and Cd in Belgrade in the course of wet removal, and consequently trough resuspension processes. Dry deposition samples contained characteristic particles up to 30 μm in diameter with Fe content of 11 to 15 atomic% and significant ratio Si/Fe of 3 to 5, determined for selected single particles by the SEM/EDX method. Following dry and wet deposition of Cd and Pb, a residual effect of dustfall is noticed throughout the vegetational period. © Springer-Verlag 2003.
ISSN: 0177-7971
DOI: 10.1007/s00703-003-0010-6
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