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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1255
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Mar-2008Towards disentangling the meaning of relativistic length contractionRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2006Does Δm ≤ Δe <inf>rest</inf> /c <sup>2</sup> ?Redžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2011An extension of the Kelvin image theory to the conducting Heaviside ellipsoidRedžić, Dragan ; Eldakli, M. S.A.; Redžić, M. D.
1-Jan-2002Electromagnetism of rotating conductors revisitedRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2004Conductors moving in magnetic fields: Approach to equilibriumRedžić, Dragan 
1-Mar-2018Maxwell's inductions from Faraday's induction lawRedžić, Dragan 
14-Aug-2018On an episode in the life of (S)Redžić, Dragan 
1-May-2013Time-dependent fields of a current-carrying wireRedžić, Dragan ; Hnizdo, V.
1-Jan-2003Comment on "electrostatic image theory for the dielectric prolate spheroid" by I. V. Lindell and K. I. Nikoskinen (multiple letters)Redžić, Dragan 
7-Nov-2005Image charge inclusions in the prolate dielectric spheroidRedžić, Dragan ; Redžić, Dragan
1-Nov-2012Image charge inclusion in the dielectric sphere revisitedRedžić, Dragan ; Eldakli, M. S.A.; Redžić, M. D.
1-Jan-2001The operator ∇ in orthogonal curvilinear coordinatesRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2014Relativistic length agony continuedRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2015Direct calculation of length contraction and clock retardationRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-2017Are Maxwell's equations Lorentz-covariant?Redžić, Dragan 
17-Apr-2009Reply to 'comment on "note on dewan-beran-bell's spaceship problem"'Redžić, Dragan 
1-Jun-2011Derivations of relativistic force transformation equationsRedžić, Dragan ; Davidović, D. M.; Redžić, M. D.
1-Jul-2006Image current inclusion in the permeable sphereRedžić, Dragan ; Redić, S. S.
1-Nov-2015Subtleties of the clock retardationRedžić, Dragan 
17-Aug-2016A general gauge for the electromagnetic potentials and the continuity equationRedžić, Dragan 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1255