Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 521 to 540 of 1255
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
1-Jul-2020 | Proton-proton interactions and onset of deconfinement | Aduszkiewicz, A.; Andronov, E. V.; Antićić, T.; Babkin, V.; Baszczyk, M.; Bhosale, S.; Blondel, A.; Bogomilov, M.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Bryliński, W.; Brzychczyk, J.; Buryakov, M.; Busygina, O.; Bzdak, A.; Cherif, H.; Ćirković, Marjan ; Csanad, M.; Cybowska, J.; Czopowicz, T.; Damyanova, A.; Davis, N.; Deliyergiyev, M.; Deveaux, M.; Dmitriev, A.; Dominik, W.; Dorosz, P.; Dumarchez, J.; Engel, R.; Feofilov, G. A.; Fields, L.; Fodor, Z.; Garibov, A.; Gaździcki, M.; Golosov, O.; Golovatyuk, V.; Golubeva, M.; Grebieszkow, K.; Guber, F.; Haesler, A.; Igolkin, S. N.; Ilieva, S.; Ivashkin, A.; Johnson, S. R.; Kadija, K.; Kaptur, E.; Kargin, N.; Kashirin, E.; Kiełbowicz, M.; Kireyeu, V. A.; Klochkov, V.; Kolesnikov, V. I.; Kolev, D.; Korzenev, A.; Kovalenko, V. N.; Kowalski, S.; Koziel, M.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kucewicz, W.; Kuich, M.; Kurepin, A.; Larsen, D.; László, A.; Lazareva, T. V.; Lewicki, M.; Łojek, K.; Łysakowski, B.; Lyubushkin, V. V.; Maćkowiak-Pawłowska, M.; Majka, Z.; Maksiak, B.; Malakhov, A. I.; Marcinek, A.; Marino, A. D.; Marton, K.; Mathes, H. J.; Matulewicz, T.; Matveev, V.; Melkumov, G. L.; Merzlaya, A. O.; Messerly, B.; Mik; Morozov, S.; Mrówczyński, S.; Nagai, Y.; Naskrȩt, M.; Ozvenchuk, V.; Paolone, V.; Petukhov, O.; Płaneta, R.; Podlaski, P.; Popov, B. A.; Porfy, B.; Posiadała-Zezula, M.; Prokhorova, D. S.; Pszczel, D.; Puławski, S.; Puzović, Jovan; Ravonel, M.; Renfordt, R. | |
1-Sep-2017 | Measurement of meson resonance production in π<sup>-</sup>+ C interactions at SPS energies: The NA61/SHINE Collaboration | Aduszkiewicz, A.; Ali, Y.; Andronov, E. V.; Antićić, T.; Baatar, B.; Baszczyk, M.; Bhosale, S.; Blondel, A.; Bogomilov, M.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Brzychczyk, J.; Bunyatov, S. A.; Busygina, O.; Cherif, H.; Ćirković, Marjan ; Czopowicz, T.; Damyanova, A.; Davis, N.; Dembinski, H.; Deveaux, M.; Dominik, W.; Dorosz, P.; Dumarchez, J.; Engel, R.; Ereditato, A.; Faas, S.; Feofilov, G. A.; Fodor, Z.; Francois, C.; Garrido, X.; Garibov, A.; Gaździcki, M.; Golubeva, M.; Grebieszkow, K.; Guber, F.; Haesler, A.; Hervé, A. E.; Hylen, J.; Igolkin, S. N.; Ivashkin, A.; Johnson, S. R.; Kadija, K.; Kaptur, E.; Kiełbowicz, M.; Kireyeu, V. A.; Klochkov, V.; Kolesnikov, V. I.; Kolev, D.; Korzenev, A.; Kovalenko, V. N.; Kowalik, K.; Kowalski, S.; Koziel, M.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kucewicz, W.; Kuich, M.; Kurepin, A.; Larsen, D.; László, A.; Lazareva, T. V.; Lewicki, M.; Lundberg, B.; Łysakowski, B.; Lyubushkin, V. V.; Mariş, I. C.; Maćkowiak-Pawłowska, M.; Maksiak, B.; Malakhov, A. I.; Manić, D.; Marchionni, A.; Marcinek, A.; Marino, A. D.; Marton, K.; Mathes, H. J.; Matulewicz, T.; Matveev, V.; Melkumov, G. L.; Merzlaya, A. O.; Messerly, B.; Mik; Mills, G. B.; Morozov, S.; Mrówczyński, S.; Nagai, Y.; Naskręt, M.; Ozvenchuk, V.; Paolone, V.; Pavin, M.; Petukhov, O.; Pistillo, C.; Płaneta, R.; Podlaski, P.; Popov, B. A.; Posiadała, M.; Puławski, S.; Puzović, Jovan; Rameika, R.; Rauch, W.; Ravonel, M. | |
1-Jan-2011 | Yield from proton-induced reaction on light element isotopes in the hydrogen plasma focus | Udovičić, V.; Dragić, A.; Banjanac, R.; Joković, D.; Veselinović, N.; Aničin, I.; Savić, M.; Puzović, Jovan | |
11-Sep-1998 | User-friendly Monte Carlo program for the generation of gamma-ray spectral responses in complex source-detector arrangements | Puzović, Jovan; Aničin, I. V. | |
1-May-2014 | The influence of the East Atlantic Oscillation to climate indices based on the daily minimum temperatures in Serbia | Knežević, S.; Tošić, I.; Unkašević, M.; Pejanović, G. | |
1-Dec-2021 | Extreme temperature events in serbia in relation to atmospheric circulation | Tošić, Ivana; Putniković, Suzana; Tošić, Milica; Lazić, Irida | |
1-Aug-2018 | Relationship between atmospheric circulation weather types and seasonal precipitation in Serbia | Putniković, Suzana; Tošić, Ivana | |
1-Feb-2018 | Seasonal prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia | Tošić, Ivana; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Marković, Slobodan B.; Ruman, Albert; Putniković, Suzana | |
1-May-2017 | Extreme daily precipitation: the case of Serbia in 2014 | Tošić, Ivana; Unkašević, Miroslava; Putniković, Suzana | |
1-Nov-2021 | Influence of the East Atlantic/West Russia pattern on precipitation over Serbia | Tošić, Ivana; Putniković, Suzana | |
15-Nov-2018 | The influence of the large-scale circulation patterns on temperature in Serbia | Putniković, Suzana; Tošić, Ivana; Lazić, Lazar; Pejanović, Goran | |
1-Oct-2016 | Circulation weather types and their influence on precipitation in Serbia | Putniković, Suzana; Tošić, Ivana; Đurđević, Vladimir | |
1-Jan-2019 | Potential influence of meteorological variables on forest fire risk in Serbia during the period 2000-2017 | Tosic, I.; Mladjan, D.; Gavrilov, M. B.; Zivanović, S.; Radaković, M. G.; Putniković, Suzana; Petrović, P.; Mistridzelović, I. Krstic; Marković, S. B. | |
1-Apr-2018 | Prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia in the recent and past time periods; modern- and past dust deposition | Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Marković, Slobodan B.; Schaetzl, Randall J.; Tošić, Ivana; Zeeden, Christian; Obreht, Igor; Sipos, György; Ruman, Albert; Putniković, Suzana; Emunds, Kathrin; Perić, Zoran; Hambach, Ulrich; Lehmkuhl, Frank | |
1-Jan-2006 | Josephson coupling through ferromagnetic heterojunctions with noncollinear magnetizations | Popović, Zorica ; Božović, M.; Radović, Z.; Cayssol, J.; Buzdin, A. | |
1-Sep-2003 | Coherent electronic transport through a superconducting film | Božović, M.; Popović, Zorica ; Radović, Z. | |
7-Jul-2020 | Amplitudes of minima in dynamic conductance spectra of the SNS Andreev contact | Popović, Zorica ; Kuzmichev, S.; Kuzmicheva, T. | |
11-May-2012 | Influence of Andreev reflection on current-voltage characteristics of superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor metallic weak links | Popović, Zorica ; Dobrosavljević-Grujić, L.; Zikic, R. | |
1-Nov-2009 | Influence of different band masses on ballistic charge transport in ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet trilayers | Popović, Zorica ; Božović, M.; Radović, Z. | |
1-Aug-2021 | Influence of d-wave superconductor orientation on Josephson current and phase difference in junctions with inhomogeneous ferromagnet | Djurdjević, Stevan; Popović, Zorica |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 521 to 540 of 1255