Full Name
Borjan, Zoran
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Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Dec-1987Asymptotic form of the spectral dimension of the Sierpinski gasket type of fractalsBorjan, Zoran ; Elezović-Hadžić, Sunčica ; Knezevic, M.; Milošević, Ivanka 
21-Jan-1993Potts-model formulation of percolation and branched polymers on a fractal latticeBorjan, Zoran ; Knežević, Milan; Milošević, Sava
31-Nov-1994Critical adsorption of random walks on fractal lattices with uniform coordination numberBorjan, Zoran ; Knežević, Milan; Milošević, Sava
415-Dec-1995Discrete spin cubic model on a fractal lattice - the ground state phase diagramBorjan, Zoran ; Knežević, Milan; Milošević, Sava
51-Jan-1998Order-parameter profiles and casimir amplitudes in critical slabsBorjan, Zoran ; Upton, P. J.
6Jun-2001Local-functional theory of critical adsorptionBorjan, Zoran ; Upton, P J
74-Jun-2008Electronic properties of bilayered manganite Ca2.5 Sr0.5 GaMn2 O8 from first-principles calculationsBorjan, Zoran ; Popović, Zoran; Šljivančanin, Željko V.; Vukajlović, Filip R.
819-Sep-2008Off-critical Casimir effect in Ising slabs with symmetric boundary conditions in d=3Borjan, Zoran ; Upton, P J
91-Sep-2012Crossover behaviors in the Ising strips with changeable boundary conditions: Exact variational resultsBorjan, Zoran 
1015-Oct-2013Off-critical Casimir effect in Ising slabs with antisymmetric boundary conditions in d=3Upton, P. J.; Borjan, Zoran 
11Mar-2015Crossover aspects in Ising strips under the influence of variable surface fields and a grain boundaryBorjan, Zoran 
1215-Sep-2016Critical Casimir effect in the Ising strips with standard normal and ordinary boundary conditions and the grain boundaryBorjan, Zoran 
13Aug-2020Critical energy-density profile near wallsBorjan, Zoran ; Vasilyev, O A; Upton, P J; Dietrich, S
1415-May-2022Critical specific heat of systems confined by a wallBorjan, Zoran