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Title: A real data simulation of the adriatic bora and the impact of mountain height on bora trajectories
Authors: Lazić, L.
Tošić, Ivana
Issue Date: 1-Jan-1998
Journal: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
This study addresses simulation of the local bora wind and its properties as reflected on typical trajectories. Trajectory calculations are implemented in the Eta Model. The Eta Model has a vertical coordinate which permits a step-like representation of mountains and quasi-horizontal coordinate surfaces, the so-called eta coordinate. A realistic real data simulation of a bora wind case is achieved using the model with a 28 km horizontal resolution and 16 layers in the vertical. Numerical experiments with different mountain heights and shapes in the bora wind region are performed. These are motivated by observational indications and theoretically based expectations that a certain intermediate mountain elevation is required for generation of downslope windstorms with bora wind properties. Three-dimensional trajectories over various mountains mimicing real mountains but differing primarily in elevation are calculated and analysed. The maximum bora wind speed is predicted as expected through three-dimensional channels in the step mountain representations. The results illustrate and are in agreement with the observational evidence that mountain barriers of the elevation of about 1000 m are a necessary requirement for the occurrence of the bora-type downslope windstorms. © Springer-Verlag 1998.
ISSN: 0177-7971
DOI: 10.1007/BF01026630
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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