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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 581 to 600 of 1255
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
22-Jul-2010Resonant vibrational excitation of H2 by electron impact: Full-range differential cross sectionsPoparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.; Ristić, M. M.
1-Jan-1999Vibrational excitation of the C <sup>3</sup>Π<inf>u</inf> state of N<inf>2</inf> by electron impactPoparić, Goran ; Vićić, Miloš ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2003Comment on "Atomic spectral line-free parameter deconvolution procedure" (multiple letters)Nikolić, D.; Djurović, S.; Mijatović, Z.; Kobilarov, R.; Mijatović, V.; Poparić, Goran 
28-Mar-1996Large vibrational excitation of N <inf>2</inf> by low-energy electronsVićić, Miloš ; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2017Ultraviolet protection factor of hemp/filament hybrid yarn knitted fabricsStanković, Snežana; Popović, Dušan M. ; Kocić, Ana; Poparić, Goran 
1-Jan-1998A crossed beam double trochoidal electron spectrometerVićić, Miloš ; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
10-Sep-2020Development of comfortable and eco-friendly cellulose based textiles with improved sustainabilityNovaković, Milada; Popović, Dušan M. ; Mladenović, Nenad; Poparić, Goran ; Stanković, Snežana B.
1-Mar-2010Electron energy transfer rate coefficients of carbon dioxidePoparić, Goran ; Ristić, M. M.; Belić, D. S.
11-Sep-2012Rate coefficients for electron impact excitation of the a <sup>3</sup>Π state of CORistić, M. M.; Vojnović, M. ; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
29-Apr-2011Excitation of the, 3Π state of CO by electron impactRistić, M. M.; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2014Transient thermal response of textile fabrics made of natural and regenerated cellulose fibersPavlović, Sanja S.; Stanković, Snežana B.; Popović, Dušan ; Poparić, Goran 
1-Feb-2020Supramolecular insight into the substitution of sulfur by selenium, based on crystal structures, quantum-chemical calculations and biosystem recognitionĐorđević, Ivana S; Popadić, Marko; Sarvan, Mirjana ; Petković, M. ; Janjić, Goran V
3-Nov-2021Supramolecular Perspective of Coordination Effects on Fluorine InteractionsPetković, M. ; Rakić, Aleksandra A.; Trišović, Nemanja P.; Zarić, Božidarka L.; Janjić, Goran V.
7-Apr-2021On the supramolecular outcomes of fluorination of cyclohexane-5-spirohydantoin derivativesGak Simić, Kristina; Đorđević, Ivana; Lazić, Anita; Radovanović, Lidija; Petković-Benazzouz, Marija; Rogan, Jelena; Trišović, Nemanja; Janjić, Goran
25-Sep-2012Photocatalytic properties of TiO <inf>2</inf>/WO <inf>3</inf> coatings formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium in 12-tungstosilicic acidStojadinović, Stevan ; Radić, N.; Vasilić, Rastko ; Petković-Benazzouz, Marija ; Stefanov, P.; Zeković, Ljubiša ; Grbić, B.
15-Feb-2012Luminescence of the B <sup>1</sup>σ <sup>+</sup>-X <sup>1</sup>σ <sup>+</sup> band system of MgO during plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium alloyStojadinović, Stevan ; Perić, M.; Radić-Perić, J.; Vasilić, Rastko ; Petković-Benazzouz, Marija ; Zeković, Ljubiša 
25-Oct-2011Plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium in heteropolytungstate acidsStojadinović, Stevan ; Vasilić, Rastko ; Petković-Benazzouz, Marija ; Zeković, Ljubiša 
1-Oct-2011Characterization of oxide coatings formed on tantalum by plasma electrolytic oxidation in 12-tungstosilicic acidPetković-Benazzouz, Marija ; Stojadinović, Stevan ; Vasilić, Rastko ; Zeković, Ljubiša 
24-Nov-2010The analysis of damage threshold in Ruby laser interaction with copper and aluminiumKatavić, Boris T.; Ristić, Slavica S.; Polić-Radovanović, Suzana R.; Nikolić, Zoran N.; Puharić, Mirjana A.; Kutin, Marina M.
1-Jan-1998Physical properties of the nickel arsenate Ni<inf>3</inf>(AsO<inf>4</inf>)<inf>2</inf>Napijalo, M. M.; Novaković, L.; Dojčlović, J.; Napijalo, M. Lj; Nikolić, Zoran
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 581 to 600 of 1255