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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 1255
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Jul-2005Open circuit stability of underpotentially deposited Pb monolayer on Cu(111)Vasilić, Rastko ; Vasiljevic, N.; Dimitrov, N.
1-Jan-2006Epitaxial growth of Ag on Au(111) by monolayer restricted galvanic displacementVasilić, Rastko; Dimitrov, N.
1-Jan-2006Epitaxial growth of Cu on Au(111) and Ag(111) by surface limited redox replacementViyannalage, L. T.; Vasilić, Rastko; Dimitrov, N.
1-Dec-2011Relationship between atmospheric circulation and stable isotope composition of Belgrade daily precipitationMiljević, Nada; Pešić, Ana; Golobočanin, Dušan; Gršić, Zoran; Unkašević, Miroslava; Tošić, Ivana
1-Jan-2005Analysis of precipitation series for BelgradeTošić, Ivana; Unkašević, Miroslava
1-Jan-2013Extreme daily precipitation in Belgrade and their links with the prevailing directions of the air trajectoriesTošić, Ivana; Unkašević, M.
1-Jan-1998Improved bora wind simulation using a nested Eta modelTošić, Ivana; Lazić, L.
1-Jan-2013Trends in temperature indices over Serbia: Relationships to large-scale circulation patternsUnkašević, Miroslava; Tošić, Ivana
1-Jan-2004Analysis of the Saharan dust regional transportVukmirović, Z.; Unkašević, Miroslava; Lazić, L.; Tošić, Ivana; Rajǐć, S.; Tasić, M.
1-Jan-2007Spectral analysis of the "Koshava" windUnkašević, M.; Tošić, Ivana; Obradović, M.
1-Sep-2011The maximum temperatures and heat waves in Serbia during the summer of 2007Unkašević, Miroslava; Tošić, Ivana
3-Apr-2009Atmospheric transport and deposition of persistent organic pollutants under warfare conditionsVukmirović, Zorka; Unkašević, Miroslava; Tošić, Ivana
1-May-2016Analysis of annual and seasonal temperature trends using the Mann-Kendall test in Vojvodina, SerbiaGavrilov, Milivoj B.; Tošić, Ivana; Marković, Slobodan B.; Unkašević, Miroslava; Petrović, Predrag
1-Jan-2011A statistical analysis of the daily precipitation over Serbia: Trends and indicesUnkašević, Miroslava; Tošić, Ivana
1-Jan-1999Dispersion characteristics of discrete quasigeostrophic modesGavrilov, Milivoj B.; Tošić, Ivana
17-Sep-2013Annual and seasonal variability of precipitation in Vojvodina, SerbiaTošić, Ivana; Hrnjak, Ivana; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Unkašević, Miroslava; Marković, Slobodan B.; Lukić, Tin
1-Jan-2001Regional air pollution caused by a simultaneous destruction of major industrial sources in a war zone. The case of April Serbia in 1999Vukmirović, Zorka B.; Unkašević, Miroslava; Lazić, Lazar; Tošić, Ivana
1-Jan-2003Effects of uncontrolled particulate matter release on precipitation under warfare conditionsUnkašević, Miroslava; Vukmirović, Zorka; Tošić, Ivana; Lazić, Lazar
1-Jan-1999Some aspects of the wind 'Koshava' in the lower troposphere over BelgradeUnkašević, Miroslava; Mališic, Jovan; Tošić, Ivana
1-Jan-2004Contribution of dust transport and resuspension to particulate matter levels in the Mediterranean atmosphereDordević, Dragana; Vukmirović, Zorka; Tošić, Ivana; Unkašević, Miroslava
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 1255