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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 1255
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Jan-2010Electromagnetostatic charges and fields in a rotating conducting sphereRedžić, Dragan 
1-Jan-1998One-loop effective action for spherical scalar field collapseMiković, Aleksandar; Radovanović, Voja 
1-Jan-1995Spacetime geometry of three-dimensional Yang - Mills theoryRadovanović, Voja ; Sijacki, D. J.
1-Jan-1997Loop corrections in the spectrum of two-dimensional Hawking radiationMiković, Aleksandar; Radovanović, Voja 
1-Feb-2013On analytical solutions of f(R) modified gravity theories in FLRW cosmologiesDomazet, Silvije; Radovanović, Voja ; Simonović, Marko; Štefančić, Hrvoje
16-Dec-1996Two-loop back-reaction in 2D dilaton gravityMiković, Aleksandar; Radovanović, Voja 
1-Nov-2020L<inf>∞</inf>-algebras of Einstein-Cartan-Palatini gravityDimitrijević-Ćirić, Marija ; Giotopoulos, Grigorios; Radovanović, Voja ; Szabo, Richard J.
27-Oct-1997One-loop effective action for a generic 2d dilaton gravity theoryMiković, Aleksandar; Radovanović, Voja 
1-Dec-2021Braided L<inf>∞</inf> -algebras, braided field theory and noncommutative gravityDimitrijević-Ćirić, Marija ; Giotopoulos, Grigorios; Radovanović, Voja ; Szabo, Richard J.
1-Jan-2003Double β decay of [Formula Presented]Bikit, I.; Zikić-Todorović, N.; Slivka, J.; Vesković, M.; Krmar, M.; Čonkić, Lj; Puzović, Jovan; Aničin, I. V.
1-Jan-1999Towards the definition of the optimum height of voluminous cylindrical sources in gamma-ray spectroscopyVesić, D.; Puzović, Jovan; Aničin, I. V.
1-Jan-1990Total disintegration of <sup>47</sup>Ag and <sup>35</sup>Br nuclei exposed in nuclear emulsions to protons and pions of 300 GeVJurić, M.; Adamović, O.; Krmpotić, Dj; Puzović, Jovan
1-Jan-1990Total disintegration of <sup>47</sup>Ag and <sup>35</sup>Br nuclei exposed in nuclear emulsions to protons and pions of 300 GeVJuric, M.; Adamovic, O.; Krmpotic, Dj; Puzović, Jovan
1-Jan-2003Double β decay of <sup>50</sup>CrBikit, I.; Zikić-Todorović, N.; Slivka, J.; Vesković, M.; Krmar, M.; Čonkić, Lj; Puzović, Jovan; Aničin, I. V.
1-Jan-1996Population of the 283 keV level of <sup>137</sup>Ba by the β decay of <sup>137</sup>CsBikit, I.; Aničin, I.; Slivka, J.; Krmar, M.; Puzović, Jovan; Čonkić, Lj
21-Mar-2002Production of positron annihilation radiation by cosmic-rays near sea levelPuzović, Jovan; Anicin, I. V.
1-Jan-1998Temperature influence on the composition of Ni-ferrite powders obtained from complex compounds with acetylacetonato-ligandsNikolić, A. S.; Cvetković, N.; Djurić, S.; Puzović, Jovan; Pavlović, M. B.
1-Jan-1995Effective equivalent depth of an underground location by single detector measurements of cosmic-ray intensityŠkoro, G. P.; Puzović, Jovan; Kukoč, A. H.; Vukanović, R. B.; Župančić, M.; Adžić, P. R.; Aničin, I. V.
1-Jan-1992Production of ++(1232) in carbon-carbon collisions at 4.2 GeV/c per nucleonKrpić, D.; Puzović, Jovan; Drndarević, Snežana; Maneska, R.; Backović, S.; Bogdanowicz, J.; Cheplakov, A. P.; Sivoklokov, S. Y.; Grishin, V. G.
1-Jan-1995Production of anihilation radiation in iron and lead by cosmic-rays at sea-levelPuzović, Jovan; Škoro, G.; Aničin, I. V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 1255