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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 1255
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1-Feb-2008Thermal properties of textile fabrics made of natural and regenerated cellulose fibersStanković, Snežana B.; Popović, Dušan ; Poparić, Goran 
1-May-2008Resonant vibrational excitation and de-excitation of N<inf>2</inf>(v) by low-energy electronsPoparić, Goran ; Ristić, M.; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-1999Near-threshold excitation of the [Formula Presented] state of [Formula Presented] by electron impactPoparić, Goran ; Vićić, Miloš ; Belić, D. S.
2-Sep-2019Novel engineering approach to optimization of thermal comfort properties of hemp containing textilesStanković, Snežana B.; Novaković, Milada; Popović, Dušan ; Poparić, Goran ; Bizjak, Matejka
1-Nov-2020Ionization and Electronic State Excitation of CO<inf>2</inf> in Radio-frequency Electric FieldStanković, Violeta V.; Ristić, Miroslav M.; Vojnović, Mirjana M.; Aoneas, Muna M.; Poparić, Goran 
1-Feb-2017Ionization of CO in radio-frequency electric fieldAoneas, M. M.; Vojnović, M.M. ; Ristić, M. M.; Vićić, Miloš ; Poparić, Goran 
1-Jan-2002Differential cross sections at 0° and 180° for electron-impact excitation of the E <sup>3</sup>Σ<inf>g</inf><sup>+</sup> state of N<inf>2</inf>Poparić, Goran ; Vicic, M.D. ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2022Thermal Design Method for Optimization of Dry Heat Transfer through Hemp-Based Knitted FabricsStanković, Snežana B.; Pavlović, Sanja; Bizjak, Matejka; Popović, Dušan ; Poparić, Goran 
9-Jul-2007Rate coefficients for resonant vibrational excitation of CORistić, M.; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2002Differential cross sections at [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] for electron-impact excitation of the [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] state of [Formula Presented]Poparić, Goran ; Vićić, Miloš ; Belić, D. S.
1-Jan-2014Ionization of N<inf>2</inf> in radio-frequent electric fieldPopović, M. P.; Vojnović, Mirjana ; Aoneas, M. M.; Ristić, M. M.; Vićić, Miloš ; Poparić, Goran 
8-Jan-2007Rate coefficients for resonant vibrational excitation of N<inf>2</inf>Ristić, M.; Poparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.
16-Dec-2015Rate coefficients for electron impact excitation of N<inf>2</inf>Vojnović, M. ; Popović, M.; Ristić, M. M.; Vicic, M. ; Poparić, Goran 
1-Jan-2016Influence of yarn folding on UV protection properties of hemp knitted fabricsKocić, Ana A.; Popović, Dušan ; Stanković, Snežana B.; Poparić, Goran 
Jun-2019Electron-induced vibrational excitation of CO_{2} in dc electric and magnetic fieldsVojnović, Mirjana ; Ristić, Miroslav M; Stanković, Violeta ; Poparić, Goran 
1-Sep-2017Excitation of Electronic States of N<inf>2</inf> in Radio-Frequency Electric Field by Electron ImpactRistić, Miroslav M.; Aoneas, Muna M.; Vojnović, Mirjana M. ; Poparić, Goran 
23-Jun-2006Resonant vibrational excitation of CO by low-energy electronsPoparić, Goran ; Belić, D. S.; Vićić, Miloš 
14-Feb-2001Near-threshold excitation of the b <sup>3</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> state of carbon-monoxide by electron impactPoparić, Goran ; Vićić, Miloš ; Belić, D. S.
10-Aug-2019UV protection afforded by textile fabrics made of natural and regenerated cellulose fibresKocić, Ana; Bizjak, Matejka; Popović, Dušan ; Poparić, Goran ; Stanković, Snežana B.
4-Dec-2008Resonant vibrational excitation and De-excitation of CO(v) by low energy electronsPoparić, Goran ; Ristić, M.; Belić, D. S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 1255